Ezreal Guide, Builds and Runes

He is known for his high mobility, long-range poke potential, and ability to kite enemies effectively. Ezreal is usually played as an ADC (attack damage carry) in the bottom lane, but he can also be played as a mid laner or even in the jungle.

Ezreal Guide, Builds and Runes
Ezreal Stats
Win Rate 48.37 %
HP 600
HP per Level 102
MP 375
MP per level 70
Move speed 325
Armor 24
Armor Per Level 4.70
Attack range 550
Hp regen 4.00
HP regen per level 0.65
MP regen 8.50
MP regen per level 0.65
Attack damage 60
Attack damage per level 2.50
Attack speed 0.63
Attack speed per level 2.50

Ezreal Guide

The following advice will help you play Ezreal in League of Legends:

Last-hitting minions can use Ezreal's Mystic Shot (Q), which does physical damage and activates on-hit effects, to gain money and experience. To acquire money and experience while simultaneously holding your opponent at bay, practice timing your Q to kill minions without pushing the wave too far.

Arcane Shift (E) can be used to trade and avoid opposing attacks. Ezreal can blink a short distance while using the potent mobility spell Arcane Shift, which also deals magic damage to the first opponent struck. Arcane Shift can be used to avoid opposing attacks, especially during exchanges when your health is low. Arcane Shift is another option.

To farm waves and poke adversaries from a distance, use the Trueshot Barrage (R): All foes in a line take physical damage from the long-range ultimate Trueshot Barrage. To eliminate swarms of minions or to safely poke hostile champions, use Trueshot Barrage. Trueshot Barrage has a lengthy cooldown and can leave you exposed if it misses, so use it sparingly.

Ezreal is susceptible against ranged champions who can poke him from a distance, therefore it's vital to stay behind your minions to prevent taking extra damage. If you need to move, use Arcane Shift, and attempt to stay out of enemy abilities' range so you can continue farm and trade effectively

Ezreal is excellent at poking and kiting, but he might suffer in prolonged team fights. Work with your team to obtain objectives and make moves. Set up plays and secure goals in concert with your squad, and attempt to avoid being caught out of position. Look for opportunities to employ Trueshot Barrage to take out lone opponents or use Arcane Shift to get away from danger.

Along with these broad pointers, it's critical to remember that Ezreal relies on skill shots, therefore accurate aim and foresight are essential for playing him well. Choosing the appropriate gear and runes for your play style and the make-up of the opposition team is also crucial. You can master Ezreal and become a powerful opponent on the battlefield with practice and experience.

Ezreal Builds



Doran's Blade



Health Potion



Trinity Force






Ionian Boots of Lucidity



Ravenous Hydra



Serylda's Grudge



Maw of Malmortius



Trinity Force






Ionian Boots of Lucidity



Navori Quickblades



Ravenous Hydra



Frozen Heart

Combining attack damage with ability power, the hybrid build enables Ezreal to deal a combination of magic and physical damage. Trinity Force, Muramana, and Iceborn Gauntlet are common equipment in this setup.

Attack damage build: Using items like Infinity Edge, Phantom Dancer, and Bloodthirster, this build aims to increase Ezreal's physical damage output. When facing teams with weak magic resistance, this build performs best.

Build for ability power: Using items like Luden's Echo, Morellonomicon, and Void Staff, this build aims to increase Ezreal's magic damage output. When facing teams with great magic resistance, this build performs well.

Build for defense: With the help of items like Guardian Angel, Thornmail, and Sterak's Gage, this build aims to make Ezreal more durable. With heavy physical damage teams, this build performs well.

Ezreal Runes



Ezreal Summoner Spells





There are many summoner spells available in Ezreal, but some of the more popular ones are as follows:

Flash is a potent mobility spell that enables Ezreal to blink a short distance. It can be applied to avoid danger, change locations, or start a fight.

Heal: This spell is a solid option for lane sustain because it partially restores Ezreal's health as well as the health of an allied champion. Additionally, you can utilize it to win a battle or protect an ally from harm.

Ignite: This spell slows healing and does damage over time, making it a solid choice for killing enemies with low health or interfering with the healing of champions like Dr. Mundo or Swain.

This spell's ability to instantaneously teleport Ezreal to a specific place makes it a solid option for objective control and map presence.

The ideal summoner spells for Ezreal will ultimately rely on your playstyle and the particular game situation. It's crucial to select spells that fit your champion's gear and your team's requirements.

Ezreal Skill Order

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
  • Mystic Shot
  • 1
  • 4
  • 5
  • 7
  • 9
  • Essence Flux
  • 3
  • 14
  • 15
  • Arcane Shift
  • 2
  • 8
  • 10
  • 12
  • 13
  • Trueshot Barrage
  • 6
  • 11


Mystic Shot (Q). This is your main damage ability and has a low cooldown, making it a good choice for farming and trading.

Arcane Shift (E) next. This ability is your main mobility tool and can be used to dodge enemy abilities or engage in trades.

Essence Flux (W) after your Q and E. This ability can be used to poke enemies or increase your attack speed in team fights.

Ezreal Tips&Tricks

  • Practice last-hitting minions with Mystic Shot (Q) to get gold and experience. This will help you stay ahead in the early game and set you up for success later on.
  • Use Arcane Shift (E) to dodge enemy abilities and engage in trades. This spell has a short cooldown and can be used to surprise your opponent or escape danger.
  • Take advantage of Ezreal's passive, Rising Spell Force, which grants him bonus attack speed after using an ability. Use this to chain your abilities together and deal sustained damage over time.
  • Use Trueshot Barrage (R) to clear waves of minions or poke enemies from a safe distance. Be careful about using Trueshot Barrage too often, as it has a long cooldown and can leave you vulnerable if you miss.
  • Stay behind your minions to avoid getting poked by enemy champions. Use Arcane Shift to reposition yourself if necessary, and try to stay out of range of enemy abilities while still being able to farm and trade effectively.
  • Coordinate with your team to set up plays and secure objectives. Ezreal excels at poking and kiting, but he can struggle in extended team fights. Look for opportunities to pick off isolated enemies with Trueshot Barrage, or use Arcane Shift to escape danger.
  • Choose the right items and runes for your playstyle and the enemy team composition. Different builds and setups can significantly impact Ezreal's performance, so it's important to adapt to the specific game situation.
  • Practice your aim and prediction, as Ezreal is reliant on skill shots. Good aim and prediction can be the difference between a successful Q or R, and a missed opportunity.

Ezreal Counters


Caitlyn: Ezreal may find it challenging to properly farm and trade against Caitlyn because to her wide attack range and potent poke game. Additionally, she possesses a trap that can stun Ezreal, making it simpler for her to use her other skills.

Ashe: Like Caitlyn, Ashe has a wide attack range and a potent poke game. Ezreal's movement may be hindered by her stun, and she also possesses a slow that may make it challenging for him to flee.

Vayne: Vayne is a skilled duelist with a lot of sustained damage potential. She has a passive ability that increases her damage dealt to solitary enemy, which makes her very potent against Ezreal.

Jhin: Jhin is an effective counter to Ezreal because of his broad attack range and high burst damage. He also possesses a root that can hinder Ezreal's mobility as well as a passive ability that speeds up his attacks after each shot.

Lucian: Lucian is a tough opponent for Ezreal because of his high sustained damage output and mobility. Additionally, he possesses a dash that can impede Ezreal's mobility as well as a passive that speeds up his attacks after activating an ability.

Ezreal Synergies


Alistar: Alistar is a capable tanky support champion with good crowd control. With his headbutt and pulverize skills, he can set up plays and defend Ezreal in team battles.

Janna: A support champion with excellent crowd control and agility. She can set up plays with her Howling Gale (Q) ability and defend Ezreal with her knock-up and shield.

Braum: Braum is a potent, tanky support champion who excels at controlling the crowd and pairs well with Ezreal. He can use his shield to shield Ezreal and his Unbreakable (E) ability to participate in combat, creating opportunities for Ezreal to capitalize on.

Taric: Taric is a support champion with a lot of crowd control and sustain. He can protect Ezreal with his Dazzle (E) ability and set up plays with his Radiance (R) ultimate.

Ezreal is Good against

Miss Fortune

Tristana: Tristana has a lot of burst damage, but she is relatively fragile and has low mobility. Ezreal can out-range and out-poke Tristana, making it difficult for her to deal damage effectively.

Miss Fortune: Miss Fortune has received a lot of harm, but she is also relatively weak and immobile. Miss Fortune finds it challenging to successfully do damage because Ezreal can outrange and outpoke her.

Varus: Varus has significant sustained damage, but he is also rather weak and immobile. Varus finds it challenging to successfully do damage because Ezreal can out-range and out-poke him.

Kog'Maw: Despite being rather weak and immobile, Kog'Maw possesses a wide strike range and a lot of potential for prolonged damage. Kog'Maw finds it challenging to successfully do damage because Ezreal can outrange and outpoke him.

Ezreal FAQ

How do I combo with Ezreal's abilities?

Using Mystic Shot (Q) to apply your passive, Rising Spell Force, and Arcane Shift (E) to close the gap and increase damage is a typical combo with Ezreal's skills. Then, you can use Essence Flux (W) to quicken your attacks and deal sustained damage, and Trueshot Barrage (R) to deal burst damage to finish.

When should I use Arcane Shift (E)?

Arcane Shift (E) is a potent mobility ability that can be utilized to avoid opponent attacks, take part in trades, or flee from harm. Arcane Shift allows you to move about in battle or surprise opponents with burst damage.

How do I farm effectively with Ezreal?

By last-hitting minions with Mystic Shot (Q), Ezreal may farm well. Trueshot Barrage (R) can be used to safely poke foes or to dispatch waves of minions.

How do I deal with champions that counter Ezreal?

It's vital to play cautiously and steer clear of prolonged trades if you're up against a champion who counters Ezreal. Use Mystic Shot (Q) or Trueshot Barrage (R) to poke targets from a safe distance, and Arcane Shift (E) to avoid enemy attacks or flee from peril. Asking your squad for support or changing your build to suit the particular game conditions may also be beneficial.

How do I maximize the damage of Trueshot Barrage (R)?

While Trueshot Barrage (R) is a potent ability with a high burst damage potential, it has a lengthy cooldown and can be hit frequently. Aim on adversaries that are lone or have low health to maximize the damage of Trueshot Barrage. It can also be used to safely poke foes or dispatch waves of minions. A lot of Trueshot Barrage can leave you exposed if you miss, so use it sparingly.