JInx Guide, Builds and Runes

Jinx is a long-range AD hyper carry and she is played in bot lane. While being fairly easy to play she can do quite some work and is beginner friendly champion.

She does have 2 skillshot abilities which are her W and her R, but most of her damage comes from empowered auto attacks. She has a minigun and rocket launcher that she can switch around.

JInx Guide, Builds and Runes
Jinx Stats
Win Rate 51.97 %
HP 630
HP per Level 100
MP 245
MP per level 45
Move speed 325
Armor 26
Armor Per Level 4.70
Attack range 525
Hp regen 3.75
HP regen per level 0.50
MP regen 6.70
MP regen per level 1.00
Attack damage 59
Attack damage per level 3.40
Attack speed 0.63
Attack speed per level 1.00

Jinx Guide

Use minigun when in melee range of your opponents, and rocket launcher to deal AOE damage from long range. Even though Jinx is a really strong scaling champion, her laning phase and early game are good as well because of her Q, which increases her auto attack range and gives her the ability to push waves easily.

While using your Q, you should pay attention to managing your mana since it's easy to spend all of it and end up in a rough spot. She is great vs low range team comps and champions that can't reach her. If she gets to auto attack an enemy team without being afraid of getting collapsed on, she can be the strongest champion in the game.

There are also games where Jinx feels like she's really weak. Those types of matches are against poke team compositions that can match her range, and even outrange her, or vs drafts that have an easy way to engage on her and kill her before she does anything in teamfight.

Examples of engaging and assassin champions that can really make her day hard are Malphite, Nocturne, Zed, Talon,etc... Jinx's biggest weakness is that she doesn't have any movement abilities which makes her vulnerable to assassins and heavy engage champions.

Champions that synergize really well with Jinx are those who can peel for her, make space for her to deal damage, or buff her attack speed and/or movement speed.

Some examples are: Thresh, Lulu, Braum, Yuumi, Soraka…

Skill max order: Q -> W -> E

Jinx Builds

Start items:

in matchups where enemy team has kill pressure by engaging on you



Doran's Blade



Health Potion

in matchups where you need sustain and enemy team does not have kill pressure from engaging on you



Long Sword



Health Potion



Health Potion



Health Potion

There are 2 types of builds: vs squishy champions






Berserker's Greaves



Phantom Dancer



Infinity Edge






Guardian Angel

Galeforce -> Berserker's Greaves -> Phantom dancer -> Infinity edge -> Bloodthirster -> Guardian Angel Since you are not playing against armor stackers, you don’t need true damage from Kraken slayer, but you might need dash to escape or chase forward so that’s why we build Galeforce. Berserker’s Greaves are almost always the way to go, since they give the best stats for jinx out of all boots.

Phantom Dancer just gives you more critical strike and attack speed which makes you just strong in general and prepares you to have enough crit chance for Infinity edge to apply its passive. After you already finish those 3, you want to build items that will make you safer and harder to kill, which are Bloodthirster and Guardian angel.

Bloodthirster will give you lifesteal and shield which feels really nice and makes the assassin's job harder. Guardian angel will revive you, and it builds from stopwatch so you have even more tools to play with.

vs tanky champions



Kraken Slayer



Berserker's Greaves



Lord Dominik's Regards



Infinity Edge



Phantom Dancer




You build those items when you are vs heavy hp and armor stacking team compositions. Kraken slayer gives you true damage which helps with dealing with all the armor, this item just gives more damage than Galeforce in general, but it doesn’t give you an extra dash. Berserker’s Greaves are still the best boots option.

LDR is really effective against champions that have more max HP than you do, which will almost always be the case, it shreds the armor and gives you the most damage. Infinity edge as 3rd item gives you a really big spike in damage, but you can switch Phantom dancer and Infinity edge’s order here, depending on what you feel like you lack in the game.

PD will just give you more movement speed and attack speed, and is also easier to build since it’s cheaper. You want to finish your build with Bloodthirster that will make you a bit harder to kill and give you sustain.

Jinx Runes



If you are playing against champions like Malphite who will look to get to you at all costs, you can change Slightly magical boots for Cosmic insight, to have your flash cooldown reduced.



Jinx Summoner Spells

There are 3 most popular choices:





Flash and heal are good for 2v2 on bot lane, as well as fighting in extended fights





Flash and exhaust against heavy burst champions like Tristana in lane, and later vs champs like Zed after laning phase





Flash and cleans against opponents that can catch you with their crowd control spells like Varus, Ashe, Leona… and teams with heavy cc in general

Jinx Skill Order

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
  • Switcheroo!
  • 1
  • 3
  • 4
  • 11
  • 17
  • Zap!
  • 2
  • 5
  • 6
  • 16
  • Flame Chompers!
  • 7
  • 10
  • 13
  • 14
  • Super Mega Death Rocket!
  • 8
  • 9
  • 15
  • 18

Jinx Tips&Tricks

  • Jinx’s W scales with attack speed, so the more attack speed you have, the faster your W will cast.
  • Her E can be put in choke points to block the path for the enemy team, use your E smartly to control space in teamfights!
  • Her ultimate does more damage after 1 second of traveling, and is an execute which means it deals more damage to low HP targets, you can use it to kill people on the other sides of the map. There are more ways to use this ultimate, you can steal Baron or Dragon with it’s splash damage, or use it to cancel people’s recalls. If you time it perfectly you can throw it at the enemy fountain and while enemy low HP champion is recalling, as he spawns in base your ult hits him and he dies.
  • Always account for your passive that gives you movement speed and attack speed, it procs on champion, epic monster, or tower kills. It also gets triggered when you kill a rift herald that the enemy team spawned, that way you can catch them off guard.
  • Don’t forget that in melee combat your minigun always does more damage than a rocket launcher, but use rockets when you need to reach enemies!

Jinx Counters

Tristana(paired with an engage support)
Yasuo(paired with an engage support)
Kog’ maw

Jinx Synergies


Jinx is Good against


Jinx FAQ

Is Jinx AP or AD?

She is AD carry, her abilities scale with AD and she does physical damage, although she has AP scaling on her E and does magic damage, but it’s not enough for her to be played AP.

Is Jinx good?

Jinx is good if she’s picked in the right spots, she can be super strong in the right game, where she’s allowed to auto attack for free, play from a long range and be safe. She can also feel very bad and useless if you don’t have peel from your team and you are exposed to getting one shot and engaged on.

What makes Jinx so good?

Her ability to deal great amounts of damage in teamfights, her good push in lane, and her value against short to mid range champions. Her passive is also a reason why she’s so strong in teamfights since 1 reset can turn an entire fight around.

How do you play Jinx vs assassins?

You have to keep track of their big cooldowns, try to realize what is the threat in teamfights and think of a way to avoid it. Building Galeforce and having that extra movement ability might help!

You can also take cosmic insight in runes, which allows you to have your summoner spells more often. Try asking your support to pick champions like lulu, thresh or janna.

Who synergizes well with Jinx?

Champions that can make space for her, or buff her are really good. Thresh for example is great champion to play with Jinx, his lantern gives her mobility that she lacks herself.

Lulu is another good champion to pair her up with, she can shield her, give her movement speed and attack speed that Jinx can use to its maximum potential, she gets so much more DPS and she is harder to kill by assassins.

How do you beat jinx?

With heavy engage champions that can easily get to her like Malphite, or champions that can contest her long range with their spells, like Ziggs, Varus, Ashe(in lane), Xerath. Picking assassins is also a good way to deal with her, Talon, Zed, Ekko etc.. can one shot her if they manage to get to her.

Is Jinx the easiest ADC?

She is probably not the easiest one, but she is fairly easy to play and she is beginner friendly, she does have 2 skill shots and 1 terrain control spell, but most of her damage comes from being able to auto attack a lot, her really big reach makes her easier to play.

Why is jinx so weak?

She will feel weak if she’s picked in bad spots. If you don’t have any peel in your team, and you are playing against lots of assassins and engage champs, or the entire team composition oriented about poking you, you will have a really bad time.

What is the best way to play Jinx?

Early game: You can often get priority in lane for your team, which makes her pretty good, but you don’t have much kill pressure in lane so you shouldn’t focus that much on killing your opponents, just try to push when needed, not die and farm for your items, since Jinx becomes stronger with time.

Midgame: Try to farm as much as possible, don’t be afraid to farm jungle monsters as well. You want to rotate to midlane when bot lane towers fall. From ther you can get the most farm, you are fairly safe and you can get push for your team in mid lane which is really important before making a play. In river fights make sure to use your E and W smartly to gain space and make it hard for enemy team.

Late game: Late game is where you are the strongest. Stay far away from the enemy team and try to auto attack them from max range. If you get kill or assist your passive will make you really fast and strong, so you should try to keep resetting it and killing your opponents.