LeBlanc Guide, Builds and Runes

LeBlanc is AP assassin that has very diverse kit, mobility, damage, and cc. Her ultimate mimics the last ability she used, so you can decide in which direction you want to go, to deal the most damage, jump around the map the most or chain cc your opponents. LeBlanc is very hard to play and is not recommended for new players.

LeBlanc Guide, Builds and Runes
LeBlanc Stats
Win Rate 48.15 %
HP 598
HP per Level 111
MP 400
MP per level 55
Move speed 340
Armor 22
Armor Per Level 4.70
Attack range 525
Hp regen 7.50
HP regen per level 0.55
MP regen 6.00
MP regen per level 0.80
Attack damage 55
Attack damage per level 3.50
Attack speed 0.63
Attack speed per level 1.40

LeBlanc Guide

LeBlanc is one of the strongest midlane champions for 2 vs 2 with your jungler. She is great pick if you have jungler that wants to take a lot of fights. Her wave clear and push are not that strong, but you can get priority in lane by trading, and having attention of her support and jungler since LeBlanc's set up for ganks is so good. She can dash and chain someone for quite some time, which makes it easy for teammates to follow up.

LeBlanc has strong level 2, her Q makes her next spell deal more damage, so if she gets to level 2 first and finds a way to proc Electrocute on enemy laner, with Q W auto attack combo, she gets big advantage in lane and priority. Sometimes you can even scale E second if you can land it, its more effective vs melee champions that can't get out of your E range. In lanes vs Galio or Kassadin, you can even start long sword and refillable potion, those champions will go magic resist runes against you, but if you have more AD provided by long sword, auto attacks you cast will deal more damage to them, and since you play attack speed in runes, you will get to auto attack them a lot. Having refillable potions on your first buy is also very nice since you don't waste any gold on regular potions. If you don't miss any expirience, you should get level 6 on cannon wave at 5:30 in the game, at that time you can look to cheese your opponents by getting ultimate and using it instantly to get your lane opponent ilow or even kill them. Having tier 2 boots also helps you with getting in range to use Q W combo, tier 2 boots is really the best thing you can buy on this champion early. LeBlanc spikes on Luden's Echo buy, and tier 2 boots, at that time she can oneshot almost anyone, has alot of movement speed, mana and cdr.

Yes her set up is great but don't let that fool you, LeBlanc is also good at roaming and can find and catch people off guard in jungle or even gank them. LeBlanc's best friend is fog of war, when she is out of enemy vision, she is the most deadly, pink wards and sweeper are helpful for being unseen. Her W gives her ability to jump over the walls, chunk someone and get out without taking damage. She should never fight from front, always look to get an unexpected flank on enemies to catch them unready to respond.

Don't stop farming on this champion! People often get too focused on getting kills and flanking they forget to farm which is bad, keep catching waves on sides, keep farming jungle camps when you have time to.

Junglers that work very well with LeBlanc are champions like Lee sin, Xin Zhao, Rek'sai, Jarvan IV and such. LeBlanc is also good against ganking junglers that want to catch her because her mobility makes her very hard to kill.

Champions that are good against LB are those who can easily lock her down like Lissandra, Galio, Malzahar, or Kassadin who can just win 1v1 against her and escape easily if he's getting ganked by her teammates. ADC's that are good vs LB are those who can dodge or survive her burst, like Xayah and Ezreal.

LeBlanc is for sure one of if not the best midlaner to carry the game on your own, but she is extremely difficult to play. 

LeBlanc Builds

Doran's ring start is good when you have easy matchup where you don't need to permanently trade with your opponent 



Doran's Ring



Health Potion



Health Potion



Health Potion

Corrupting potion is good in lanes where you need to trade in order to get priority, match enemy corrupting potion, or just a bit harder matchups in general    



Corrupting Potion

If you are only source of magic damage in your team, meaning you don't have any other  AP champions, its really good to go full magic penetration build, because enemy team won't have any magic resist, so your damage is maxed out. You should almost always build Luden's Echo first, throw Sourcerer's shoes somewhere in there, followed by Shadowflame if enemy team still isn't building magic resist, if they actually start building mr, you can buy Voidstaff instead. Later you finish off with Rabadon's Deathcap or Zhonya's Hourglass depending on what you need first, damage or survivability. In games where tenacity is needed, you should switch pen boots for tenacity boots.



Luden's Tempest



Sorcerer's Shoes






Rabadon's Deathcap



Void Staff



Zhonya's Hourglass

LeBlanc Runes

This page you go if you have easy matchup, and you will be able to go Doran's ring as your starting item, then get magic penetration boots early.



This page is good when you are playing matchup where you have to start corrupting potion in order to trade and play lane properly, here you don't get any cooldown reduction from runes, so you should build Ionian boots of lucidity.



LeBlanc Summoner Spells

Flash and ignite are good in lanes where ignite will make you have kill pressure on your opponent, this is more greedy option but it can pay off





Flash and teleport are safer and smarter option, teleport makes your laning phase earlier, gives you ability to side lane later and gives you pressure on the map





LeBlanc Skill Order

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
  • Sigil of Malice
  • 1
  • 4
  • 5
  • 7
  • 9
  • Distortion
  • 3
  • 14
  • 15
  • 17
  • 18
  • Ethereal Chains
  • 2
  • 8
  • 10
  • 12
  • 13
  • Mimic
  • 6
  • 11
  • 16

LeBlanc Tips&Tricks

-LeBlanc is great Electrocute user, you can proc it level 1 by using auto attack -> W -> auto attack combo

-If you use your auto attack right before using your W to teleport back to marked place, your auto attack will still go off, this little trick is very useful in trading

-You can hide your E animation by your body if you use E and W in the same time

-Combo with the most damage on LeBlanc is Q R E W, but you don't often get to use it, so you should be open minded with using your combos, sometimes LeBlanc needs her W to rotate and you can't use it for damage,  but don't worry, she still has enough damage and her cooldowns are fairly low so W will be up again soon. Sometimes you want to use double chain combo to CC enemy champion long enough for your team to arrive, or use W R to escape, or catch someone.

-LeBlanc's Q makes her next ability dealing additional damage, meaning she always wants to use her Q first in her combos.

-LeBlanc has really strong level 2, you often want to make sure that you get it before your opponent, which allows you to get big trade off, keep in mind that you need to have both of your spells up, so don't waste your W just before getting level 2, wait to sync your spells for big burst and use your auto attack to proc Electrocute

-LeBlanc's passive makes you invisible for short period of time when you have low hp, and then it spawns clone that you can control by holding ALT and using right click. Clone can be manipulated to misguide opponents into thinking clone is real LeBlanc, while she's getting out of the danger. Clone can also be used to block skillshots going your way, or Caitlyn ultimate for example.

-You want to play from fog of war as LeBlanc and look for flanks, fog is your friend, if enemies see you, your champ is less powerful, but if you are out of their sight, you are very deadly and you make pressure, pink wards and sweeper are really useful for you.

-In matchups where you play against Galio or Kassadin, you can start long sword + refillable potion. Kassadin and Galio will have magic resis, so getting more AD by having long sword on first buy, you will deal more physical damage to them by auto attacking. You also run attack speed in runes so it will be easy for you to get to throw basics. Refillable potion is very strong since it's gold efficient and you don't spend any gold on regular health potions. Sell long sword later.

LeBlanc Counters







LeBlanc Synergies

Lee Sin
Xin Zhao

Lee sin

Xin Zhao


Jarvan IV



LeBlanc is Good against






LeBlanc FAQ

What champions are good vs LeBlanc?

Champions that can lock her down with point and click spells are good against her, Galio, Lissandra, Malzahar, Gragas and Poppy who interrupt her dashes make her life hard too, Kassadin wins 1v1 and can easily scale up and not die to her set up in lane.

Is LeBlanc S tier champion?

Depending on the meta she varies from middle to top tier champions, but if you manage to learn her and play her properly, she is considered to be a top(S) tier champion.

How does LeBlanc R work?

LeBlanc's R mimics last ability she used and allows her to use it twice, her ultimate makes mimiced spell dealing more damage.

Is LeBlanc a late game champion?

She is not character who needs to scale and get to late game to carry the game. She is pretty good in midgame and it's her strongest part of the game where she spikes the most. Don't think LeBlanc's late game is bad, because it isn't. It's only harder to play her and execute her kit late game, a single mistake can lose you the game, so you have to play her smart, but she still does her job even in late game if you use her properly.

Is LeBlanc good to climb with?

Yes, LeBlanc is good for climbing in soloq, but she does take some time to learn and get used to. She is one of the strongest mid lane champions out there.