Viego Guide, Builds and Runes

Viego is a character who is defined by his great physical strength and his ability to take control of his enemies' bodies. In gameplay, he is typically played as a fighter or a jungler, and his abilities allow him to quickly close the distance with his enemies and deal heavy physical damage.

One of Viego's most notable abilities is his passive, "Harrowed Path," which allows him to take control of an enemy champion's body after killing them. This allows Viego to temporarily assume the abilities and stats of the enemy champion, giving him a unique and powerful advantage in fights.

Viego Guide, Builds and Runes
Viego Stats
Win Rate 49.95 %
HP 630
HP per Level 109
MP 10000
MP per level 0
Move speed 345
Armor 34
Armor Per Level 5.20
Attack range 200
Hp regen 7.00
HP regen per level 0.70
MP regen 0.00
MP regen per level 0.00
Attack damage 57
Attack damage per level 3.50
Attack speed 0.66
Attack speed per level 2.50

Viego Guide

Choose your runes: For your primary tree, take the Domination tree and choose the "Electrocute," "Taste of Blood," and "Eyeball Collection" keystones. These runes will give you burst damage, sustain, and vision control, which are all important for the jungle role. For your secondary tree, consider taking the Precision tree and choosing the "Triumph," "Alacrity," and "Last Stand" runes. These runes will give you additional damage and attack speed, as well as some extra survivability.

Choose your summoner spells: For summoner spells, "Flash" and "Smite" are essential for most jungle playstyles. "Flash" allows you to quickly reposition yourself in fights or to escape danger, while "Smite" is necessary for clearing jungle camps and securing objectives like dragons and Baron Nashor.

Decide on your build: For your starting item, take a "Doran's Shield" to give you some extra survivability in the early game. Then, focus on building items that increase your attack damage and attack speed, such as "Blade of the Ruined King" and "Ravenous Hydra." You can also consider building some defensive items if you're having trouble surviving in fights, such as "Thornmail" or "Randuin's Omen."

Clear your jungle camps: Start at your Red buff and then move on to your other jungle camps. Use your "Blade of the Ruined King" ability to clear camps quickly and get your passive stacks. Be sure to keep track of your enemy jungler's movements and try to predict where they might be in order to avoid potential ambushes.

Look for ganking opportunities: As a jungler, it's important to look for opportunities to gank enemy lanes and help your teammates get kills. Use your mobility and damage to disrupt the enemy team and set up kills for your teammates. Pay attention to the map and try to predict where the enemy team might be vulnerable, and coordinate with your allies to make the most of your ganks.

Don't be afraid to make risky plays: Viego is a character who is willing to take risks in order to achieve victory. If you see an opportunity to steal an enemy jungle camp or to make a risky play, don't be afraid to go for it. Just make sure to communicate with your team and have a plan in place before you make your move.

Viego Builds



Gustwalker Hatchling



Health Potion



Blade of The Ruined King



Mercury's Treads



Kraken Slayer



Wit's End



Guardian Angel



Death's Dance



Maw of Malmortius



Blade of The Ruined King



Mercury's Treads



Kraken Slayer



Wit's End



Death's Dance



Guardian Angel



Maw of Malmortius

Offensive build:

Starting items: "Doran's Shield," "Refillable Potion," 1x "Health Potion"

Core items: "Blade of the Ruined King," "Ravenous Hydra," "Boots of Swiftness"

Situational items: "Thornmail," "Randuin's Omen," "Black Cleaver," "Death's Dance," "Guardian Angel"

This build focuses on maximizing Viego's damage output by building attack damage and attack speed items. The "Blade of the Ruined King" and "Ravenous Hydra" will give you a lot of burst damage, while the "Boots of Swiftness" will help you close the distance with your enemies more quickly. The situational items can be adjusted based on the enemy team's composition and your own playstyle.

Tanky build:

Starting items: "Doran's Shield," "Refillable Potion," 1x "Health Potion"

Core items: "Blade of the Ruined King," "Thornmail," "Boots of Swiftness"

Situational items: "Randuin's Omen," "Black Cleaver," "Death's Dance," "Guardian Angel," "Sunfire Cape"

This build focuses on making Viego more durable in fights by building tanky items. The "Blade of the Ruined King" and "Thornmail" will give you some damage and help you survive longer in fights, while the "Boots of Swiftness" will help you close the distance with your enemies more quickly. The situational items can be adjusted based on the enemy team's composition and your own playstyle.

Keep in mind that these are just general builds and that you may need to adjust them based on the specific needs of your team and the enemy team's composition. It's important to always be flexible and adapt your build to the changing needs of the game.

Viego Runes

Electrocute: This is a keystone rune in the Domination tree that gives you burst damage and allows you to take down enemy champions more quickly. It's a good choice for Viego because it allows him to deal a lot of damage in short bursts, which fits his playstyle well.

Taste of Blood: This is a rune in the Domination tree that gives you some sustain and allows you to stay in fights longer. It's a good choice for Viego because it allows him to survive longer in fights, which is especially helpful if you're playing him as a jungler.

Eyeball Collection: This is a rune in the Domination tree that gives you vision control and allows you to see enemy champions more easily. It's a good choice for Viego because it allows him to keep track of his enemies and set up ganks more effectively.

Triumph: This is a keystone rune in the Precision tree that gives you bonus gold and increased healing when you get a kill or asist. It's a good choice for Viego because it helps him to farm more efficiently and to stay healthy in fights.

Alacrity: This is a rune in the Precision tree that gives you incresed attack speed and movement speed. It's a good choice for Viego because it allows him to deal more damage and to move more quickly around the battlefield.

Last Stand: This is a rune in the Precision tree that gives you increased attack damage and increased healing when you're low on health. It's a good choice for Viego because it allows him to deal more damage and to survive longer in fights.

Viego Summoner Spells

Spectral Maw: This is Viego's Q ability. It allows him to dash to a target location and deal damage to enemies in a cone in front of him. It's a good ability for closing the distance with enemies and for escaping danger.

Blade of the Ruined King: This is Viego's W ability. It allows him to attack an enemy champion and deal physical damage, as well as lower their defenses. It's a good ability for dealing damage and disrupting enemy champions.

Heartbreak: This is Viego's E ability. It allows him to dash to a target location and stun enemies in a small area. It's a good ability for setting up kills and disrupting enemy champions.

Soul Furnace: This is Viego's R ability. It allows him to take control of an enemy champion's body for a longer period of time. It's a good ability for taking control of enemy champions who are especially powerful or who have abilities that can turn the tide of a fight in their favor.

Viego Skill Order

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
  • Blade of the Ruined King
  • 1
  • 3
  • 5
  • 7
  • 9
  • Spectral Maw
  • 2
  • 14
  • 15
  • Harrowed Path
  • 4
  • 8
  • 10
  • 12
  • 13
  • Heartbreaker
  • 6
  • 11


Viego Tips&Tricks

  • Use your mobility to your advantage: Viego has a lot of mobility thanks to his "Spectral Maw" ability, which allows him to dash to a target location and deal damage to enemies in a cone in front of him. Use this ability to quickly close the distance with your enemies or to escape from danger.
  • Take advantage of your passive: Viego's passive, "Harrowed Path," allows him to take control of an enemy champion's body after killing them. Look for opportunities to take down enemy champions and then use their abilities to your advantage.
  • Play aggressively: Viego excels in close-quarters combat, so try to initiate fights and get in your enemies' faces. Use your "Blade of the Ruined King" ability to deal physical damage and lower your enemies' defenses, and use your "Heartbreak" ability to stun them and prevent them from escaping.
  • Use your ultimate wisely: Viego's ultimate ability, "Soul Furnace," allows him to take control of an enemy champion's body for a longer period of time. Use it to take control of enemy champions who are especially powerful or who have abilities that can turn the tide of a fight in their favor.
  • Don't be afraid to take risks: Viego is a character who is willing to take risks in order to achieve victory. Don't be afraid to dive into the enemy team or to initiate fights even if you're outnumbered. Just make sure to communicate with your team and have a plan in place before you go in.

Viego Counters

Olaf: Olaf is a strong fighter who excels in close-quarters combat. He has a lot of damage and can sustain himself in fights thanks to his "Vicious Strikes" ability, which allows him to heal based on the damage he deals. He also has a lot of mobility thanks to his "Undertow" ability, which allows him to throw an axe and slow enemies.

Graves: Graves is a marksman who excels at dealing physical damage from range. He has a lot of damage and can sustain himself in fights thanks to his "Smoke Screen" ability, which allows him to heal based on the damage he deals. He also has a lot of mobility thanks to his "Quickdraw" ability, which allows him to dash and gain attack speed.

Nidalee: Nidalee is a shapeshifter who excels at dealing damage from range. She has a lot of damage and can sustain herself in fights thanks to her "Prowl" ability, which allows her to heal based on the damage she deals. She also has a lot of mobility thanks to her "Pounce" ability, which allows her to jump to a target location.

Sejuani: Sejuani is a tank who excels at disrupting enemy champions and setting up kills for her team. She has a lot of crowd control and can sustain herself in fights thanks to her "Frost" ability, which allows her to heal based on the damage she takes. She also has a lot of mobility thanks to her "Arctic Assault" ability, which allows her to dash and slow enemies.

Viego Synergies

Leona: Leona is a support who excels at disrupting enemy champions and setting up kills for her team. She has a lot of crowd control and can protect her allies thanks to her "Eclipse" ability, which allows her to shield them and increase their damage. She also has a lot of mobility thanks to her "Zenith Blade" ability, which allows her to dash to a target location and stun enemies.

Nautilus: Nautilus is a tank who excels at disrupting enemy champions and setting up kills for his team. He has a lot of crowd control and can protect his allies thanks to his "Titan's Wrath" ability, which allows him to shield them and increase their damage. He also has a lot of mobility thanks to his "Dredge Line" ability, which allows him to dash to a target location and pull enemies towards him.

Ziggs: Ziggs is a mage who excels at dealing magic damage from range. He has a lot of damage and can disrupt enemy champions thanks to his "Bouncing Bomb" ability, which allows him to deal damage to enemies in an area and knock them back. He also has a lot of mobility thanks to his "Satchel Charge" ability, which allows him to dash to a target location and deal damage to enemies in an area.

Jhin: Jhin is a marksman who excels at dealing physical damage from range. He has a lot of damage and can disrupt enemy champions thanks to his "Captive Audience" ability, which allows him to deal damage to enemies in an area and slow them. He also has a lot of mobility thanks to his "Deadly Flourish" ability, which allows him to dash to a target location and root enemies.

Viego is Good against

Ashe: Ashe is a marksman who excels at dealing physical damage from range. She is vulnerable to being disrupted in close-quarters combat, and Viego's mobility and crowd control abilities allow him to close the distance with her and take control of fights.

Sivir: Sivir is a marksman who excels at dealing physical damage from range. She is vulnerable to being disrupted in close-quarters combat, and Viego's mobility and crowd control abilities allow him to close the distance with her and take control of fights.

Tristana: Tristana is a marksman who excels at dealing physical damage from range. She is vulnerable to being disrupted in close-quarters combat, and Viego's mobility and crowd control abilities allow him to close the distance with her and take control of fights.

Varus: Varus is a marksman who excels at dealing physical damage from range. He is vulnerable to being disrupted in close-quarters combat, and Viego's mobility and crowd control abilities allow him to close the distance with him and take control of fights.

Viego FAQ

When should I use my "Soul Furnace" ultimate ability?

Viego's "Soul Furnace" ultimate ability allows him to take control of an enemy champion's body for a longer period of time. It's a powerful ability that can turn the tide of a fight in your team's favor, but it also has a long cool down timer. It's important to use this ability wisely and to save it for moments when it will have the greatest impact. Consider using it to take control of enemy champions who are especially powerful or who have abilities that can turn the tide of a fight in their favor. You can also use it to initiate fights or to disrupt enemy champions who are trying to escape.

How can I maximize my sustain with Viego?

  • Build items that give you lifesteal: Items like "Blade of the Ruined King" and "Ravenous Hydra" will give you lifesteal, which allows you to heal based on the damage you deal.
  • Use your "Taste of Blood" rune: This is a rune in the Domination tree that gives you some sustain and allows you to stay in fights longer.
  • Use your "Prowl" ability: This is a passive ability that allows you to heal based on the damage you deal. Try to get as many auto attacks in as possible to maximize the amount of healing you receive.

How can I maximize my vision control with Viego?

  • Use your "Eyeball Collection" rune: This is a rune in the Domination tree that gives you vision control and allows you to see enemy champions more easily.
  • Use your "Spectral Maw" ability wisely: This is Viego's Q ability, which allows him to dash to a target location and deal damage to enemies in a cone in front of him. Use it to scout out enemy positions and to gain control of key areas on the map.

How can I play Viego effectively in team fights?

  • Use your mobility to your advantage: Viego has a lot of mobility thanks to his "Spectral Maw" ability, which allows him to dash to a target location and deal damage to enemies in a cone in front of him. Use this ability to quickly close the distance with your enemies or to escape from danger.
  • Focus on disrupting the enemy team: Viego's crowd control abilities make him a strong disruptor. Use your "Heartbreak" ability to stun enemy champions and prevent them from escaping, and use your "Soul Furnace" ultimate ability to take control of enemy champions who are especially powerful or who have abilities that can turn the tide of a fight in their favor.